May 2012 Current Affairs Study Material
Aung San Suu Kyi Take Oath As Opposition Leader
San SuuKyi took oath of office to become an official member of
Myanmar’s parliament on 2 May 2012. Suu Kyi, a Nobel Laureate, pro
democracy leader of Myanmar for the first time held public office since
launching her struggle against autherisation rule nearly a quarter
century ago.
Poll Panels Of SAARC Countries Established Forum
Countries on 4 May 2012 adopted a charter for mutual cooperation and
set up a forum that will enhance capabilities to conduct free and fair
elections . In its charter the chief election commissioners of
Afghanistan , Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives Nepal Pakistan, Sri Lanka and
India confirmed their abiding faith in the objectives and principles of
SAARC contained in the SAARC charter.
French Socialist Party’s Francois Hollande As First Socialist President
Hollande was elected France’s first socialist president nearly after
two decades with 53.3% votes on 6 May 2012, While defeating Nicolas
Sarkozy.The result will have major implications for Europe as it
struggle to emerge from a financial crisis and for France the Eurozone
second largest economy and a nuclear armed permanent member of the UN
Security Council.
All Nuclear Power Plants Stopped In Japan
Nuclear Power Plants were Stopped In Japan on 6 May 2012 . Tomari was
the last shutdown , which leaves Japan without nuclear power. Thousands
of Japanese marched to celebrate the switching off the last of their
nations 50 nuclear reactor. Japan was without eclectricity from nuclear
power for the first time in four decades.
Vladimir Putin Sworn In As The President Of Russia
Putin the former Russian Prime Minister and the president of the United
Russia Party took the oath as the President of Russia on 7 May 2012.
Putin had won the Russian Presidential elections with 63.6% of the vote
on 4 March.
Top 10 Female CEO’s & Influential Business Women of American Companies
are roughly 22 female presidents and prime ministers in the world and
about a dozen womens executivesat the helm of Fortune 500 companies.
Especially for these top 10 women CEO’s
CEO of the world’s second largest food company Karft Foods ,Irene Rosenfeld in first place
CEO of TJX, Carol.M.Meyrowitz in second. Chairman & CEO of Pepsico
Indra Nooyi in third . Chairman& CEO of EI du Pont de Nemoursand
company, Ellen Kullman in fourth. Chairman, President & CEO of Well
point, Angela Braly in fifth. Chairman & CEO of Xerox ,Ursula
M.Borns in sixth.Chairman, president & CEO of Sunoco,Lynn
L.Elsenhans in seventh . CEO of Archer Daniels Midland, Patrica Woertz
in eigth. President and CEO of BJ’s Wholesale club , Laura J.sen in
ninth and Chairman & CEO of Key corp, Beth E.Mooney in tenth place.
Forbes Mother’s Top 20 List
list released by Forbes ahead of World Mother’s Day on 13 May 2012 the
world’s 20 most powerful moms list which ranked most efficient persons
list According to the magazine ” power moms must develop unique
strategic to succeed in both boardrooms and playrooms. Fobes women
analysed the annual list of the world’s 100 most powerful women’s based
on money controlled, decision making power and multiple measures of
influence and teased out the moms who are at the top of their game are
No-1_ Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of states
No-2 _ Dilma Rousseff, Brazilian President
No-3_ Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo Chairman
No-4 _Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer Of Face book
No-5_ Melinda Gates, Co- founder, Bill and Melindan Gates Foundation
No-6_ Sonia Gandhi, UPA Chairperson
No-7_ Michelle Obama, First lady U.S
No-8 – Christine Lagarde, Managing Director IMF
No-9_ Irene Rosenfeld, CEO Karft foods
No-10_ Jill Abramson, Executive Editor New York Times
No-11_ Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health& Human services U.S
In the last 20th place is the General secretary of NLD Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi
No-1_ Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of states
No-2 _ Dilma Rousseff, Brazilian President
No-3_ Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo Chairman
No-4 _Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer Of Face book
No-5_ Melinda Gates, Co- founder, Bill and Melindan Gates Foundation
No-6_ Sonia Gandhi, UPA Chairperson
No-7_ Michelle Obama, First lady U.S
No-8 – Christine Lagarde, Managing Director IMF
No-9_ Irene Rosenfeld, CEO Karft foods
No-10_ Jill Abramson, Executive Editor New York Times
No-11_ Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health& Human services U.S
In the last 20th place is the General secretary of NLD Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi
Philippines President Names Two ‘Special Envoys’ to China
President Benigno Aquino named two special envoys to China on 16 May
2012, amid a tence territorial dispute between the two countries over a
shoal in the South China sea. During their six month assignment both
were also tasked to actively persuade greater number of Chinese tourists
to make the Philippines their main destination for leisure and
relaxation trips.
China counters Japan’s Claims over Okinotoris Status
and Japan have exchanged a fresh round of claims and counter claims
over a tiny but crucial out cropping in the Pacific Ocean, with Tokyo
assuring that a UN Commission had endorsed its stand on the atoll being
an Island while Beijing rejected it as baseless. The two countries, that
have their own set of disputes in the South China sea, have also been
sparring over the status of Okinotoris Atollion
Tomislav Nikolic Won Serbia’s Presidential Election
Serbian Progresive party leader Tomislav Nikolic Won Serbia’s
Presidential Election on 20 May 2012. Nikolic beat his centrist, the
incumbent Boris Tadic in closely contested election. Nikolic accounted
for 50.21% of the total vote, against 46.77% for Tadic, with 40% of
votes counted. Nikolic during his previous stints in power worked as a
deputy prime minister under the former president Slobodon Miloscric.
China Developing Internet For Offensive Operations
is improving its capacity for operations in cyberspace and developing
capabilities to use internet for offensive operations. The Pentagon has
said China is investing in not only capabilities to better defend their
networks but also they are looking at ways to use cyber for offensive
operations, China is engaging in cyber activity focused on computer
network exploitation.
IAEA Chief Meets Top Iran Nuclear Officials
Chief Yukiya Amano Met Top Iran’s Nuclear chief and top negotiator on
21 May 2012 in a visit to Tehran closely watched for signs as to how
wider talks between Iran and World power might unfurl. Iran’s national
security supremo tasked with negotiating nuclear issues and atomic
energy head Abbasi Davani in an effort to press for greater
co-operations between Iran and the UN Nuclear surveillance agency.
Bangladesh Announces Discovery Of Petroleum
starned Bangladesh has struck oil reserves in the country’s
Northeastern region with an extractable reserve of at least 55 million
barrels worth USD 5.5 million. Petrobangla is announcing with pleasure
that Bangladesh had entered a new era through the discovery of a
profitable oil reserves in Haripur and Kailashtila, state run
Petrobangla’s chairman Hossain Monsur said.
China is World’s Biggest Magnesium Producer
has remained the World’s Biggest Producer of Magnesium since
1999,with last year’s out put accounting for over 85% of the world’s
total.The country produced 660,000 tones of magnesium last year.The
agencyreported on 26 May. It is estimated that the yearly magnesium
output will reach 1.5million tonnes during the 2011-2015 period odf
which 700,000 tones will be exported annually
Liberia’s Taylor Gets 50 years in Jail for War Crimes
U.N Backed war crimes court sentensed the former president of liberia
,charles Taylor ,to 50 years in jail on 30 May 2012 for arming rebels
in sierra leone in return for “Blood Diamonds” .
Kabul- Washington Strategic Pact Signed
new Kabul- Washington long term strategic partnership agreement (SPA)
was signed by Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai on 2 May 2012.The
achievements and success paved the way to sign the strategic cooperation
agreement between the two nations.
U.S to Invest In West Bengal
Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Benerjee on 7 May2012 said the former
assured her of American investment in the state for its business and
economic development considering Bengal as a partner state.And the US
desire to invest in West Bengal as the state has witnessed a change in
its political scenario after decades. American investments in the states
software , IT and manufacturing , health and education sectors.
India to Acquire Coking Coal Mine In Mongolia
a move to reduce dependence on highly priced Australian coking coal,
India acquired a mine in Mongolia ans also set up the first steel plant
in the quality coal rich country. The Indian delegation comprising of
chairman of Steel Authority of India (SAIL)C.S.Verma and U.P.Singh,
joint secretary in the ministry will sign a pact in this regard. The
plan is to acquire mine, utilise the coal for the steel plant India
proposes to set up in Mongolia and export the rest to India through
Chinese port as Mongolia is a land locked country.
Dalia Lama gives Templeton Prize Money to Indian Charity
Spiritual leader the Dalia Lama on 14 May 2012 received the prestigious
1.1 million pound Templeton prize in London by St Paul’s Cathedral and
announced that most of the prize money will go to save the children fund
in India, with smaller bequest to a science and religion group which is
studying the effects of Buddhist practice and to a project to train
Buddhist monks as scientists.
India surpassed china as the largest Arms Importer in the World
Topped as the largest Importer of arms during 2007-2011. India has
taken numerous measures to modernise its armed forces in the past ten
years.The country has signed several deals to produce military hardware
such as 10c17 strategic lift aircraft,sixc-130 super hercules special
operations airsraft, addditional sukhri-30MKI fighter jets along with
several warships.
Hyderabad Girl’s Short Film goes to Cannes
part from capturing memorable and best moments, more can do more with a
cam recorder.If you have a talent make a short film and send to
international film festivals and win prizes. This what G.Anahita
done.Ajury comprising Hollywood stars such as Edward Norton and others
at the Cannes film festival picked her video that lasts lessthan a
minute as the “Best Area Video Coalition”(BAVC) segiment open for only
teenagers after screening will be presented with 5000 US Dollars.
Sahara Signed Agreement to Build Notun Dhaka in Bangladesh
India Pariwar signed an agreement with Bangladesh government to desfign
and develop a new city Notun Dhaka(New Dhaka) on 28 May 2012. Sahara
Matribhumi Unnayan Corporation signed the MOU with the ministry of
housing and public works (MOPW) of Bangladesh Governement.Their main aim
to build affordable housing facilities for the group of low earming
people, along with it, they will also work on the hosing finance support
and design.This plans for integrated statellite townships constituted
by the ministry of housing and public works(MOHPW) of the Bangladesh
India pushes to rebuild old links with new Myanmar
& Myanmar expect to double their trade in 3years and despite a
delay in introducing a buslink,hope to be connected not just over land
and by air but also by rail. India signed a slew agrrements and
memoranda of understand(MOUs) on day-2 and Dr.singh’s visit to take
forward economic ties,cooperation in development and capacity building
in a range of sectors.They include an MoU to operationalise a $500
million line of credit during president.
India, Bahrain sign pact to boost ties
and Bahrain on 31May, announced the signing of a tax information
exchange agreement to promote economic cooperation and joint investment
between 2 countries aimed was signed by the Bahrain delogation led by
prince Salman Bin Hamadal Khalifa.
E-Challan & Receipt (ECR) Facility Launched
Minister of Labour & Employment Mallikarjun Kharge inaugurated the
E-Challan and receipt (ECR) facility on 1 May 2012 to bring transparency
and accessibility for employers in depositing monthly employees
Provident Fund or EPF contributions of their workers. Employees under
the ECR service would have to register their organisations online and
generate challans for making monthly deposits. They can use these
challan for either electronically or physically depositing the provident
fund or PF contribution to the bank.
Union Government Decided To Include Chit Funds Under The Chit Fund Act
Government decided to include chit funds, an informal pooling of funds
from individuals for lending under the chit fund Act of 1982 in six
states including Gujarat and Kerala. The decision was meant to help
people access the dispute settlement mechanism. Nagaland, Haryana
Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh are the other states to come under the
Act, providing a cushion for small savers who are at the mercy of local
operations of the six states brought under the central ruling, only
Kerala operated under the Kerala chit Act of 1975. The other five states
had no laws to regulate chit fund operations.
Indian Americans in Forbes List of Best Tech Investors
Magazine recently came up with the list of Technologies best investors
among which nine are Indian Americans . These influential apersonalities
have been successful in creating wealth and funding innovative ideas
that help to keep our economy vibrant.Anil Bhasuri, Rob Chandra, Sameer
Gandhi, Vinod Khosh, Neeraj Agrawak, Navin Chaddha, Ajay Agarwal, Asheen
Chandra and Subrata Mitra are the best Tech investors on the forbes
list .
Fianace Minister Pranab Mukherjee was Elected As Chair Of ADB’s Board Of Governor
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on 4 May 2012 was elected as Chair of
the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Board of Governors. India will host
the 46th annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank in New Delhi in
2013. Though India was the founding member of the ADB in 1966, the
lending operations in India began two decades late.
Tata Group Among 10 Best Companies for Leadership in Asia
Tata Group is at the fifth position among the ten best companies for
leadership in Asia list , according to study by management consultancy
Gaint Hay Group. The topped company in the list is Samsung group
followed by Tayota Motors and Unilever at the second and third positions
. The study said that innovation was the prime factor hat made Tata
Groups to find place among the top names in Asia . Others in the top 10
in Asia are Nestle, IBM Corp, Sony Corp, Procter & Gamble , Coca-
Cola and Petronas. Among the global best leadership companies are
General Electric as at the top followed by Procter 7 Gamble, IBM,
Microsoft and Coca- Cola.
Report Placed India On Fifth In Cyber Crime
according to a report published by the Security and Defence Agenda
(SDA) and McAfee on 6 May 2012, ranked fifth in the list of countries
affected of Cyber Crime. The report cyber security, The Vexed Question
of Global Rules, rated the internet privacy in the country as low.
Brussels based SDA spoke to leading global security exports to ensure
that findings would offer useful recomendations and actions.
Bihar C.M Nitish Kumar Took Oath As Member of BLC
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi,
former chief minister and RJD leader Rabri Devi sworn in as members of
the Bihar Legislative Council on 7 May 2012. The leaders were
administered oath by state Legislative Council chairman Salim Parvej.
Qualcomm Recieved The Broadband Wireless Access Spectrum
the US chipmaker received the Broadband Wireless Access(BWA) spectrum
on 8 May 2012 by the Department of Telecommunications ( DoT). The DoT
however, reduced the company’s period of licence use to 18.5 years from
20 years as mentioned in the licence agreement. The time period to meet
the rollout obligations was also reduced from 5 to 3.5 years.
The Union Cabinet Approved the 7.6 Billion Dollar TAPI Gas Pipeline Project (TGPP)
Union Cabinet Approved the 7.6 Billion Dollar TAPI Gas Pipeline Project
(TGPP) on 17 May 2012. The TAPI gas pipeline project which organisation
from the central Asian Nation Turkmenistan and reaches to India via
Afghanistan and Pakistan is also referred to as the “Peace Pipeline” as
some of the countries that it passes through don’t enjoy good
relationship with each other. The TAPI gas project will have a total
length of 1680 km of the total length 144 km will be in Turkmenistan,
735 km in Afghanistan and 800 km in Pakistan, bringing it to the Indian
borders. The pipeline, will be entirely functional in 2018 and supply
gas over the next thirty years.
6th Best University in Country
University has been ranked Sixth among India’s best Universities as per
as survey conducted by the India Today-Nielsen dor 2012 . The varsity
was Ranked seventh last year.
Report on Status of Implementation of SCs and STs Act 1989 Released
report on the status of implementation of SCs an d STs ( prevention of
Atrocities) Act 1989 and Rules 1995 was released by the first Dalit
chief Justice of India, Justice K.G.Balakrishna on 18 May 2012. The
report was prepared by the National Coalition after collecting evidence
by visiting the places of incidents and talking to victims across India
for strengthening SCs and STs( Prevention of Atrocities ) Act. The
report revealed substantial increace in cases of violence against SCs
and Sts. It also highlighted loopholes in the implementation of the SCs
and ST s Act and agreed that it has not been able to check atrocities
against Dalits and Adivasis in an affective manner.
Andhra Pradesh High Court set aside 4.5 Per Cent Sub-Quota for Minorities
Andhra Pradesh High Court on 28 May 2012 invalidated the 4.5 per cent
sub-quota for minorities carved out of the 27 per cent reservation for
OBCs by the Union government.A high court division bench of Chief
Justice Madan Lokur and Justice P VSanjay Kumar quashed the sub-quota as
it observed that the Union government’s move was based on religious
lines and not any other consideration.The court was hearing to a Public
Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by backward classes leader R Krishnaiah
against the sub-quota.
IICT Hopes to Establish Deflouridation Plants in A.P & Rajasthan
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) is looking forward to
establish model deflouridation units in Rajasthan after designing and
commissioning various low-cost groundwater defluoridation plants in
flurosis affected villages of Andhra Pradesh. Flurosis is a dreaded
disease which is caused due to the presence of excess fluoride in
grounwater, which has impacted many people in India, mainly children who
are suffering from dental and skeletal deformities primarlly in both
the states of Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.
Petronet LNG Terminal In Andhra Pradesh
Lng Ltd on 2 May 2012 signed a deal with Andhra Pradesh’s Gangavaram
port to set up a 5 million tonnes a year liquified natural gas import
terminal.The statement from Petronet said the proposed R.s 4,500crore
terminal at the Gangavaram port will have facilities for receiving ,
strong and regasification of LNG.
Agreement Signed for Pranahitha Chevella Irrigation Project
Pradesh Chief Minister N.Kiran Kumar Reddy and his Maharashtra
counterpart Prithviraj Chavan, on 5 May 2012 signed an agreement in New
Delhi to set up an inter state board for speedy execution of the Rs.
40,300 crore Pranahitha -Chevella irrigation project, that will serve
both states .The agreement was signed in the presence of Union water
Resources minister Pawan Kumar Bansal Dr. B.R.Ambedkar pranahitha
chevella sujatha sravanthi project, which Andhra Pradesh wants to be
declared as a national project.
Government Cleared Rs.8500 crore Project to Naxalite Affected Districts
Union Government on 17 May 2012 cleared a Rs 8500 crore project under
the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) with an objective to
connect 6000 habitation in the 78 naxalite affected districts of nine
states. Under the project money will be utilised for new connectivity
and upgradation of habitations.norms of PMGSY were released for the
first time to provide road connectivity to these habitations, in view of
the biggest beneficiary of this package. There are some 1000
unconnected habitations in nine naxal hit districts of Bihar and another
2500 in 17 districts in Jharkhand. The remaining habitations are spread
over 18 districts in Orissa 16 in Chhatisgarh, 8 in M.P and A.P, 3each
in West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh and 2 in Maharashtra.
P.Chidambaram to Head Reconstituted Panel of Inter-State Council
standing committee of the Inter-State council has been reconstituted
with Home minister P.Chidambaram as Chairman and Finance Minister Pranab
Mukherjee and nine chief ministers, including Tamil Nadu C.M
Jayalalitha and Gujarat C.M Narendra Modi as members. A number of union
ministers belonging to congress allies in the UPA have also been given
representation in the committee which was reconstituted by Prime
minister Manmohan Singh.
2-Day G8 Summit In US
2-day summit of the group of eight (G8) industrialized nations held on
18 May 2012 in Maryland, US. The 2-day summit group together leaders of
Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the US. The
event will discuss issues, including the Eurozone crisis, Iran nuclear
standoff, Syria, global energy and food security among others. Despited
its wide ranging agenda many analysts expected no major out comes from
the gathering.
ASEAN, US Meet Over Security Cooperation
US & Southeast Asian Nations on 19 May 2012 embraked on three days
of talks that would include security cooperation, shortly after a
Pentagon report raised concerns about China’s military build up . The
Philipines, host of the discussions and an Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) members is engaged in a month long maritime stand
off with China over a disputed shoal in the South China Sea. Deepening
security corporation climate change and trade and investment will all be
on the three days of meeting
NATO Summit In Chicago
key NATO Summit, gathering more than 50 world leaders, opened in
Chicago on 21 May 2012 with a minutes silence for all those who have
fallen in combat around the world. Led by NATO chief Anders Fogh
Rasmussen and US president Barack Obama, the leaders stood and bowed
their heads as a uniformed US bugler played taps. Addressing the themes
of the summit Rasmussen vowed to complete the transition to Afghan
security by 2014. He also stressed the need to embrace a renewed culture
of cooperation vowing that together we will make our partnership
deeper, broader and stronger.
Spanish Football Club Real Madrid Clinched Spanish League Title
football club Real Madrid clinched its 32nd spanish League title and
first in four years on 2 May 2012, over shadowing Lionel Messi breaking a
39 years European club scoring record with a hatrik to take his season
total to 68 goals.
Indian Women Team Won Asian Sqash Championship
Indian Women Team Won Asian Sqash Championship
women squash team won its maiden gold at the 16th Asian Squash
Championship in Kuwait on 5 May 2012. The women created a history by
defeating the top seeded Joshna Chinnappa and 14th seeded Dipika
Pillikkal defeated world number 16th Joey Chan and world no-7 Annie Au
Sriram Balaji Won ITF Futures Men’s Tennis Title
Sriram Balaji Won ITF Futures Men’s Tennis Title
ranked Sriram Balaji defeated Swiss Joss Espasandin in the Summit clash
of the MCC -SR Subramanian Memorial ITF Futures men’s tennis tournament
in Chennai on 5 May 2012.
Sports Illustrated, Sportsman of the Year Yuvraj
Sports Illustrated, Sportsman of the Year Yuvraj
5 May 2012 Inidan cricketer Yuvraj singh , Who is rehabilitating after a
layoff due to cancer has been adjudged as sports illustrated sportsman
of the year for his stupendous performance in 2011 World cup.
Sara Errani Wons Budapest WTA Tournament
Sara Errani Wons Budapest WTA Tournament
seeded Sara Errani of Italy won her third WTA title for the year 2012by
defeating Elina Vesnina of Russia in the $220,000 Budapest Grand Prix
final held on 6 May 2012 in Budapest, Hungary.
Juan Del Potro Won Estoril ATP Open Title
Juan Del Potro Won Estoril ATP Open Title
top seeded Juan Martin Del Potro retained his title at the Estoril Open
on 6 May 2012 after defeating second seeded Richard Gasquet held at
Estoril, Portugal.
Deepika Kumari Won First World Cup Title
Deepika Kumari Won First World Cup Title
India’s Olympic prospect Deepika Kumari won her first World Cup individual recurve gold medal at Antalya, Turkey on 6 May 2012.
Estoril Men’s Double Title 2012 Winners
Estoril Men’s Double Title 2012 Winners
tennis ace Aisamul Haq Qureshi and his partner Dutch Rojer Jean Julien
clinched the Men’s double title of the Estoril Open on 6 May 2012 held
in Estoril, Portugal.
Kanepi Won The Single Women’s Estoril Title 2012
Kanepi Won The Single Women’s Estoril Title 2012
Kanepi claimed her third WTA trophy of single Women’s Estoril Title by
defeating Spain’s Carla Suarez Novarro in the final of the Estoril open
on 6 May 2012 held at Estoril, Portugal.
Krishna Poonia Sets New National Record
Krishna Poonia Sets New National Record
Thrower Krishna Poonia set a new national record with a throw of
64.76m. Which breaked Seema Antil’s existing record of 64.64m. Krishna
won the silver medal in the Aitius Track crew Throw down mmet in Maui
Island Hawaii on 7 May 2012.
Rickie Fowler Golfer Won Well Fargo Trophy
Rickie Fowler Golfer Won Well Fargo Trophy
Fowler won his first RGA Wells Fargo Championship over US Open Campion
Rory Mcllroy and D.A Points on 6 May 2012 at Quali Hallow club in
Charlotte, NC.
O’Sullivan Won World Snooker Title
O’Sullivan Won World Snooker Title
Ronnie O’Sullivan won the fourth World Snooker Championship by
defeating Ali Carter 18-11 in the final at the Crucible Theatre on 8 May
2012 at Sheffield,England.
Parimarjan Negi Won Asian Continental Chess Champion
Parimarjan Negi Won Asian Continental Chess Champion
Parimarjin Negi won the Asian Continental Chess Championship despite
loosing to A.R.Saleh Salem of UAE in the final round by winning gold
that concluded on 13 May 2012.
Pastor Team Claims Formula One Race
Pastor Team Claims Formula One Race
Maldonado gave williams a first formula One Race win in almost eight
years on 13 May 2012, when he fought off local hero Fernando Alonsa in a
thrilling Spanish Grand Prix.
Serena Williams Won The Madrid Open Final
Serena Williams Won The Madrid Open Final
Serena Williams won the Madrid Open Final Women’s tennis by defeating
world no-1 Victoria Azarenka on 13 May 2012 held at Madrid.
Roger Federar Won Madrid Men’s Open Title
Roger Federar Won Madrid Men’s Open Title
tennis star Roger Federar defeated Czech Tomas Berdych to win Madrid
Men’s Single Open Title on 13 May 2012.The Madrid open title is set to
reinstate Federar as the no-2 spot in the world tennis ranking , the
position he had earlier lost to his rival Rafael Nadal.
Manjeet Singh won the Junior National Boxing Title
Manjeet Singh won the Junior National Boxing Title
Singh Panghal defeated Gurleen singh to claim the 69 kg title in the
45th National Junior Boxing championship at Patiala on 16 May 2012.
Nadal on The Sixth Rome Masters Title
Nadal on The Sixth Rome Masters Title
Nadal won his sixth Rome Men’s singles Masters title in a rain
postponed final against Novack Djokovic on 21 May 2012 held at Rome.
Sharapova Won Women’s Single’s Rome Masters Title
Sharapova Won Women’s Single’s Rome Masters Title
Maria Sharapova of Russia won the women’s single Rome Masters Title by defeating China’s Li Na on 20 May held at Rome.
Sania-Mattek lift Brussels Open TIttle
Mirza won her second WTA doubles tittles of the season and 14th
overall,when she combined with.Bethanie Mattek-sands to lift Brussels
Open Tropy with an emphatic straight set win over Alicja Rosolska of
polamd and china;s Zheng Jie.This Indo-American pair took an hour and 10
Knights Dethrone Kings IPL-5 Crown
Knights Dethrone Kings IPL-5 Crown
Knight Riders are newly crowed IPL Champions.The visitors beat
defending champions chennai SuperKings by five wickets in a high final
at the MAC stadium in chennai. The Man of the Match is “Bisla”. Golden
player goes to “Sumil Naring”(KKR) and Orange cap goes to “Chris
Gale”(RCB) and Purple Cap goes to”More Morkel”(DD)
Weber Wins Monaco Grand Pix
Mark Webber made Formula one history on 27 May when he steered his Red
bull to victory and claimed his First Win in this Year and his Team Red
Bull’s Third successive Monacco Grand Pix.
Lin Dan Propels China to Thomas Cup Tittle
Lin Dan Propels China to Thomas Cup Tittle
star Lin Dan led osts china to an emphatic victory over South Korea in
the Thomas cup Final on 27 May, Sending a starl message he and his Team
mates are in peak form for the London Olympics in the field of
Fluent Fedex on the Mark
Fluent Fedex on the Mark
Federer celebrated on 28 May his 50th straight major with a record
equalling 233rd Grand slam win.His win , achieved on a sixth match
point, also told him level with ‘Jimmy connors’ record for most grand
slam matches win of 233.
Services Defeat Tamilnadu for Cup
showed nerves of steel to defeat Tamilanadu 3-2 in the final of the
66th santosh Tropy at the Barabati stadium in Cuttack,Adisha on 28
May.This was services second Title, with thier maiden championship
coming in the 1960-61 season.
Anand Crowned Fifth world Championship
Grand master viswa nathan Anand showed immense resilence to beat
challenger Boris Gelfand of Israel in the tense rapid chess tie braker
to win the world championship crown for the fifth time and Fourth in a
row on 30 may 2012
Chattisgarh Girls&Boys Clinch National Titles
Clinched both Girls&Boys Titles in the 63rd National Junior
Basketball championship on 30 May .boys defeated the punjab in final
where as girls defeated the maharastara in final.
RBI Directed Indian Banks To Maintain Tier I Capital
Reserve Bank of India on 2 May 2012 published guidelines of
implementation of the new global capital adequacy norms, called
Basel-III, by March 2018. India banks will have to maintain Tier-I
capital, or core capital of at least 7% of their risk weighted assets on
an ongoing basis. The objective is to strengthen risk management
mechanism . As per the guidelines specified by the central bank,
commercial banks will have to maintain their total capital adequacy
ratio at 9% higher than the minimum recommended requirement of 8% under
the Basel- III norms.
ADB To Provide $6.25 Billion Assistance To India
ADB To Provide $6.25 Billion Assistance To India
Asian Development Bank (ADB) will provide assistance of $6.25 billion
to India over three years for various projects, including those in the
energy and education sector. The lending support will go to key areas
like transport, energy, urban development, agriculture, natural resource
management. Prior to this ADB has approved 159 loans for India
amounting to $24.12 billion.
Moody’s Downgrades 3 Private Sector Banks
Moody’s Downgrades 3 Private Sector Banks
Investor Services has downgraded the standalone bank financial strength
rating of the top three private sector banks- ICICI Bnak, HDFC Bankand
Axis Bank. The global credit rating agency also downgraded the Life
Insurance Coorporation of India’s foreign currency insurance financial
strength rating.
WEF To Open Office In India
WEF To Open Office In India
world Economic Forum (WEF), known for its annual Davos meeting on 14
May 2012 said, it will open its full fledged office in India in the wake
of the country growing economic clout. Besides, WEF which has been
organising annual India event along with the industry body CII, has
decided to go solo from this year. The branding of the event would also
be changed to world Economic forum on India rather than India economic
summit being held annually for the last 27 years.
The World Wildlife Fund Report On Global Environment
The World Wildlife Fund Report On Global Environment
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in its report living planet report 2012
released on 15 May 2012 noted that Biodiversity has decreased by an
average of 28 percent globally since 1970 and the world would have to be
50% bigger to have enough land and forest to provide for current levels
of consumption and carbon emissions. The problem, by 2030 even two
planets Earths would not be enough to sustain human activity. A summit
on the global environment is to be held in Brazilian city Rio De Janerio
from 20 to 22 June 2012. The summit is expected to draw more than
50,000 participates from different nations.
RBI Decided to Set Up 2 Billion Dollar Swap Facility For SAARC Nations
RBI Decided to Set Up 2 Billion Dollar Swap Facility For SAARC Nations
Bank of India (RBI) on 16 May 2012 decided to set up a 2 billion dollar
swap facility for SAARC nations. This facility will be available in
foreign currency and Indian rupee. The facility will provide the member
nation with the facility to swap US dollar, euro or Indian rupee against
domestic currency or domestic currency denominated Government
securities. The withdrawal could be done in multiple tranches. The move
for a SAARC swap facility follows a decision taken by the SAARC finance
minister at the ministerial meeting on global financial crisis.
Retrospective Amendment To I-T Act May Impact FDI In India
Retrospective Amendment To I-T Act May Impact FDI In India
amendment to increase tax laws with retrospective effects passed by
Parliament may impact inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) into
the country, a top Italian trade official said.
General Provident Fund Interest Rate Hiked to 8.8%
General Provident Fund Interest Rate Hiked to 8.8%
Finance Ministry has hiked interst rates on General Provident fund to
8.8% a year with effect from April 1st this year. This move will benefit
millions of employees.who are subcribes to this fund.berfore it is 8.6
in december 2011-March 2012.
Fix NPAs, Pranab tells to banks
Fix NPAs, Pranab tells to banks
Minister Pranab Mukherjee on 28 May asked banks to take steps to
manage their non-performing assets (NPAs). which have grown on account
of economic down turn.NPAs of public sector banks stood at about 3.3
percent of the assets in 2011-12 as against 2.3 percent a year ago said
Delhi Chief Minister Sheela Dikshit Presented the Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-13
Delhi Chief Minister Sheela Dikshit Presented the Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-13
Chief Minister Sheela Dikshit on 28 May 2012 presented the financial
budget in the Delhi assembly for the fiscal year 2012-13. The 33436
crore rupees budget had its share of populist measures as a number of
social welfare schemes were announced in the budget by the government.
14 Times Bigger Supermoon
5 May 2012, the moon had been closer to Earth than at any other times
this year, which means it will appear up to 14 % bigger and 30% brigther
han any other full moon of 2012. Its the supermoon ,it happens but once
in a year.
Pakistan Test Fired Hatf -III
Pakistan Test Fired Hatf -III
on 10 May 2012 successfully test fired the traning launch of Hatf-III
(Ghaznavi), a short range ballistic missile capable of carrying both
nuclear and conventional warheads across 290 km . The launch was
conducted at the conclusion of the annual field training exercise of the
Army strategic force command.
Soyuz TMA-04M Rocket Launches In Kazakhstan
Soyuz TMA-04M Rocket Launches In Kazakhstan
Soyuz TMA-04M rocket launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in
Kazakhstan on 15 May 2012 carrying Epedition 31 Soyuz commander Gennady
Padaika, NASA flight Engineer Joseph Acaba and flight Engineer Sargei
Revin to the International space station.
U.S Company Space X Test flight of the dragon space capsule
U.S Company Space X Test flight of the dragon space capsule
U.S company Space X on 22 May in Florida ( Cape Canaveral) to lunch its
own craft towards th e international space station. The test flight of
the Dragon space capsule,which lanuched a top space X’s falcon 9
rosked,aims to show that indutry can restore U.S access to the ISS after
NASA retired its space shuttle fleet last year . The mission is set to
include a fly-by and berthing with the station in the next three days
,before the capsule returns at the end of may month.
Russia Successfully Test Fired a new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Russia Successfully Test Fired a new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
has the capable of piercing defence systems being developed. THe
strategic Missile forces test launched a new prototype ballistic missile
from a mobile launcher at the plesetsk cosmodrome in Askhangalsk Region
on 23 May. It was the second launch of deeply modernised yar missile
named “Avangard”.
Large Solar Telescope
Large Solar Telescope
powerfull solar telescole billed as the largest in Europe opened
recently on Spain’s canary Islands. Scinetist says it will alow them to
study the sun unprecedented with a mirror diameter of 1.5meters , the
Gregor telescope will be able to show structures on the sun on scales on
small as 70 kilometres.
India Test Fired Anti Aircraft Akash Missile
India Test Fired Anti Aircraft Akash Missile
Research Development organization (DRDO) official associate with the
“Akash”missile project.The missile,which has a strike range of 25km with
warhead of 60 kgs,was test fired from a mobile launcher from launch
complex-III of the ITR at about 110hrs.It is surface to air missile.
Isarel Unleashes Spy Virus On Iran
Isarel Unleashes Spy Virus On Iran
Russian firm has discovered a new computer virus ‘Flame’with
unprecendented destructive potential that cheifly targets Iran. Kasperky
Lab, is one of the World’s biggest producer of anti-virus softwaer
discovered the cyber weapon called ‘Flame’ during an investigation that
was prompted by the International Telecommunication Union.
Pakistan Successfully Test Fired Nuclear Capable Hatf9 Missile
Pakistan Successfully Test Fired Nuclear Capable Hatf9 Missile
on May 29 2012 succesfully test fired a short range
Hatf9(Nasr)missile.The missile which has a range of 60kilometers is
capable of carrying nuclear warheads. It was pakistan’s third ballastic
missiile test since April2012.
6th NTR Literary Award for Tamil Writer Ashoka Mitran
Tamil Writer Ashokamitran, Known for his novel Thanneer and other works
was declared the recipient of the 6th NTR National Literary Award on 4
May 2012. The award is sheduled to be presented on 28 May 2012. The
writer was born in Secunderabad and was closest to Telugu Culture,
languages and people.
Miss India World Awarded With Kalpana Chawla Excellence Award
Miss India World Awarded With Kalpana Chawla Excellence Award
Sushma Seth and Miss India World Vinya Mishra were awarded with Kalpana
Chawla Excellence award on 6 May 2012 at MavlankarAuditorium, New
Delhi. The other awasrds included Padmabhushan Kuchipudi and
Bharatnatyam dancer Swapna Sundari, IPS officer Shalini Singh, WWho had
won the police medal for meritorious service in 2012 and jewellery
designer Puneeta Trikha.
The Order Of The Rising Sun, Ratan Tata
The Order Of The Rising Sun, Ratan Tata
group chairman Ratan Tata has been conferref “The Grand Cordon of the
Order of the Rising Sun” title by Japan for his contribution
instrengthening economic relations between Japan & India. The
ceremony of conferment has been held in Tokyo on 8 May 2012 at the
Imperial Palace in presence of the Emperor of Japan . Tata had made a
huge contribution from the perspective of promoting trade and investment
in industry as well as for improvement of the business environment in
India .
Pt. Ravi Sankar Conferred First Tagore Cultural Harmony Award
Pt. Ravi Sankar Conferred First Tagore Cultural Harmony Award
sitar maestro Ravi Sankar has been awarded the first Tagore Award for
cultural harmony by a jury chaired by Prime minister Manmohan singh to
mark the 150th birth anniversary of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore ,
which was announced on 7 May 2012. The award was given in recognition
of his outstanding contribution to cultural harmony and universal
values. The award comprises Rs. 1crore in cash, a citation in a scroll, a
plaque and an enquisite carved handicraft or handlloom memento. the
award would be presented to the sitar guru by the president at a special
International Jurist Awards to five Persons Including Mulayam
Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and Pakistan chief Justice Iftikhar
Muhammad Choudhary are among five eminent personalities who have been
chosen for the prestigious International Jurists Award 2012. Yadav and
Choudhary will be presented the awards on 28 May 2012 at a ceremony in
London by Right Hon’ble Lord Phillips, president of the Supremme court
of the United Kingdom. Besides the two eminent personalities,
International Bar Association president Akira Kawamura, Stephen B
Huttler and Christophe Eck will also be presented the awards, while
Yadav was chosen for this award for his uniflinching contribution to the
advancement of the bar and the bench.
Bhanuprakash in Guiness Book of Records
Bhanuprakash in Guiness Book of Records
Bhanuprakash of Bhoodan Pochampalli entered the Guiness Book of Records
for lifting 8.67 kg weight using the fingernails of his left hand. Mr.
Bhanu, who is working as a software engineer in Hyderabad has become
famous for preparing sketches with his fingernails and lifting weights.
Narayana Murthy receives Awards From US University
Narayana Murthy receives Awards From US University
chief mentor Narayana Murthy had been felicitated with the global
leadership and five enterprise awards by the University of South Florida
in recognition of his entrepreneurial spirit. The two awards were
presented to Murthy by USF President Judy Genshaft at ceremony in Tampa,
Amartya Sen to Receive Honourary Degree From US University
Amartya Sen to Receive Honourary Degree From US University
Laureate and eminent Indian – American economist Amartya Sen will
receive an honourary degree from the prestigious John Hopkins
University. Apart from Sen, five other persons including Myanmar’s Pre-
Democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, environment microbiologists Rita
R.Colwell, Canadian diplomat, politician Stephen . Lewis, American
businessman and philanthropist John . Malone and IBM Chairman Samuel J
Parmisano have also been chosen for the prestigious citation.
Vetern Actress Suchitra Sen Conferred Banga- Bibhusan Award
Vetern Actress Suchitra Sen Conferred Banga- Bibhusan Award
film actress Suchitra Sen was conferred with West Bengal Government’s
highest award Banga- Bhushan on 20 May 2012. The legendary filmstar was
however, not present on the stage to receive the award as she continues
to remain away from public eye. The award was received by his daughter
and grand daughter. The award includes a citation and award money worth
of Rs. 2 lakh.
Pedabayalu Coffee wins Flavour of India Fine Cup Award
Pedabayalu Coffee wins Flavour of India Fine Cup Award
International jury at melbowrne in Australia has adhusted as the best
coffee grown in Araku Region comprising Odisha and Andhra Pradesh as the
best coffee in the region for the year 2012 and bestowed the “Flavour
of India Fine Cup Award”
65th Cannes FilmFestival
65th Cannes FilmFestival
65th annual cannes film festival was held from May 16 to May 27 ,2012
.The “Palmed’or” was awarded to Australian director “Michael Heneke” for
his film “Love”.
The Jury gave the “Grand Prize” to “Matteo Garrone’s Reality”.
The Jury gave the “Grand Prize” to “Matteo Garrone’s Reality”.
The Angel Share was Awarded the “Jury Prize”
Best Actor is Mads “Mikkelsen” for the film “Hunt”
Best Actress is “Cristina flutur” and ” Cosmina Strantan” for thr film “Beyound The Hills”
Best Director is “carlos Regadas” for the film “Post Tenebras Lux”
Best Screen Play is “Beyounf the Hills” by “Cristian Hungiu”
Rahul Bhattacharya Wins British Friction Prize
Best Actor is Mads “Mikkelsen” for the film “Hunt”
Best Actress is “Cristina flutur” and ” Cosmina Strantan” for thr film “Beyound The Hills”
Best Director is “carlos Regadas” for the film “Post Tenebras Lux”
Best Screen Play is “Beyounf the Hills” by “Cristian Hungiu”
Rahul Bhattacharya Wins British Friction Prize
writer Rahul battacharya on 29 May won the prestigious Royal Society of
Literature “Ondaatje Prize 2012 ” for his book, “The sky company of
people who care”.He also won Common Wealth Book prize for 2012 .
A) Appointments
Indian American Vikram Singh Appointed To SES of Pentagon
American Vikram Singh ,an expert on Afghanistan and Pakistan and close
aide of late diplomat Richard Holbrooke, was appointed to an important
position of Deputy Assistant Secretery of Defence for South and South
East Asia at the Pentagon. He replaced Robert Seher who had been
assigned as deputy assistant secretary of defence for plans.
Vidya Balan Appointed As The Brand Ambassador of NSC
Rural Development Ministry of India on 4 May 2012 in National Award
winning actor Vidya Balan was appointed as the Brand Ambassador for
improving the state of sanitation in the country. Rural Develop Minister
Jairam Ramesh brought in the leading bollywood star to promote the
National Sanitation Campaign (NSC).
New Prime Minister for Russia
New Prime Minister for Russia
Dimitri Medvedev has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of Russia on 8 May 2012 .
New Chancellor for Eflu
New Chancellor for Eflu
Sunaina Singh had been appointed as the new Vice- chancellor of the
English and Foreign Languages University (Eflu) on 11 May 2012. She is
the head for the English department in Osmania University at present.
Rahul Khullar Appointed TRAI Chief
Rahul Khullar Appointed TRAI Chief
security Rahul Khullar has been appointed as chairman of the Telecom
Regulatory Authority of India ( TRAI) for three years on 13 May 2012. He
will succed J.S Sharma whose tenure ended on 13 May 2012.
New German Ambassador To India
Steiner had been appointed as the German ambassador to India on 14 May
2012, he was earlier special envoy to Afghanisthan and Pakistan.
Jean Marc Ayrault New Prime Minister of France
Jean Marc Ayrault New Prime Minister of France
Jean Marc Ayrault a moderate socialist took over as the France’s new Prime Minister on 16 May 2012
Saurabh Chandra Took The Additional Charge (SDC)
Chandra, secretary, Department of Industrial policy and promotion was
slated to hold the additional charge of the post of secretary of the
department of commerce on 14 May 2012
India American Elected To City Council in Texas
India American Elected To City Council in Texas
Several Months of consistant campaigning, Himesh Gandhi, a person of
Indian origin (PIO), has been elected to a city council in the US state
of Texas on 17 May 2012.
Bedi Selected to the Board of World Federation Against Drugs
Bedi Selected to the Board of World Federation Against Drugs
Anna member Kiran Bedi has been selected as the Board member from the
Asian region to the Board of World Federation Agaibst drugs. Bedi has
been elected unanimously to the Board during a meeting in Stockholm
earleir this week as recognition of her work in the field of contaning
drug abuse throug her NGO’Navjyoti”.
New Army Chief Bikram Singh
New Army Chief Bikram Singh
Bikram Singh, a vetarian infantry officer, who took over as the 25th
chief of the Indian Army on 31May 2012 , has to grapple with the
challenge of closing the fissures in the top echelons of the world’s
second largest force.
B) Resigns
B) Resigns
Snooker Champion Stephen Hendry Announced His Retirement
time world snooler chmpion Stephen Hendry announced his retirement on 1
May 2012 after loosing in the quarter finals at the world
championships. The 43 years old legend called it a day after a 13-2
defeat to fellow Stephen Maguire.
Nepal Cabinet Resigns To Form New Government
cabinet tendered its resignatiom on 3 May 2012. Prime Minister Baburam
Bhattarai also stated resigned by the end of the month . The decision to
step down came in the wake of an agreement among the Nepal’s major
political parties to form a new coalition Government.
UTI Mutual Fund’s Chief Marketing Officer Resigns
UTI Mutual Fund’s Chief Marketing Officer Resigns
mutual funds chief marketing officer Jaideep Bhattacharya stepped down
from his post on 4 May 2012. Bhattacharya quit the position to explore
Carrier opportunities
Indian American Scientist Quits From Top Energy Post
Indian American Scientist Quits From Top Energy Post
Majumdar, eminent Indian, American scientist had resigned after the US
Senate did not confirm president Barack Obama’s proposal to elevate him
as under secretary at the Department of energy.
Mahasweta Devi Resigns from Bangla Academy
Mahasweta Devi Resigns from Bangla Academy
Magsaysay Award Winner Mahasweta Devi,who is known to be close
associate of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in her
resignation as Chair person of the Bangla Academy on 23 May.
Sanjay Joshi Resigns a Head of BJP National Executive
Sanjay Joshi Resigns a Head of BJP National Executive
BJP Leader, Sanjay Joshi,bete noire of the Gujarat Vheif Minister on 22 May resigned a head of the party national executive.
Infosys Bpo Coo Indnani Resigns
Infosys Bpo Coo Indnani Resigns
largest software services firm,Ritesh Idanani senior vice president and
cheif cooperative officer of its business processing out sourcing arm,
has resigned.
Pieterson Retires fron ODI’s
Pieterson Retires fron ODI’s
star Kevin pieterson retired from international limited overs cricket
on 31May a secision which took the England and Wales Cricket Board(ECB)
by surprise.
Former Left Front Minister Nandagopal Died
Communist Party of India leader and former left front minister
Nandagopal Bhattacharya died in Kolkata on 6 May 2012. Nandagopal served
three terms from 1961 tp 2011 as minister in the West Bengal
Norway’s World Swimming Champion Dale Died
Norway’s World Swimming Champion Dale Died
World Swimming Champion Alexander Dale Oen died suddendly on 1 May 2012
in the US aged 26, he had won gold medal in 400m breakstoke at the
world cahmpionship in Shangai in July 2012.
Mexican Novelist Carlos Fuentes Dead
Mexican Novelist Carlos Fuentes Dead
Carlos Fuentes, Who played a dominated role in Latin America’s novel-
writing boom by delving into the failed ideals of the revolution, died
on 16 May 2012 in Mexico.
Disco Queen Donna Summer Died
Disco Queen Donna Summer Died
Donna Summer, popularly Known as the Queen of Disco has died after a
long battle with lung cancer on 17 May 2012 in Florida. Whose real name
is LaDonna Adrain Gainess .
D) Visitors
Hillary Clinton 3-Day Visit To India
US secretary Hillary Clinton visited India for a 3-day visit and
initially resisting US pressure to adhere to international sanctions on
Iran. She met West Bengal chief minister Mamata Benerjee in Kolkata and
after that Mr.Manmohan Singh and chairperson Sonia Gandhi. The main
agenda was that India would reduce its dependence on Iran oil imports.
French PresidentFrancois Hollande on Surprise Trip to Afghanistan
“French PresidentFrancois Hollande arrived in Afghanistan on 25 May for a
surprise trip to visit France’s Troops there.Hollandae ,who plans to
accelerate the withdrawl of french soldiers fron Afhanistan to the end
of this year was accompanied by Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and
Defence Minister Drian.”
PM Meets Myanmar President in Land Mark Visit
surprise trip to visit France’s Troops there.Hollandae ,who plans to
accelerate the withdrawl of french soldiers fron Afhanistan to the end
of this year was accompanied by Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and
Defence Minister Drian.”
PM Meets Myanmar President in Land Mark Visit
Manmohan Singh visited Myanmar on 27 May . A three day visit in
Myanmar. He is the first PM to visit Myanmar in 25years. India suggested
the two countries should work out a joint strategy to tackle terrorism
and insurgency along their border and enhance security cooperation.
Iranian vice President Ali Saeedlu Visits Cuba
Iranian vice President Ali Saeedlu Visits Cuba
vice President Ali Saeedlu Began an official Visit to Cuba.
saeedlu,Ahmadinejad’s deputy for international Affairs,met with cuban
vice President Jose Ramon Machado on 28 May,after which they stressed
the “excellent state of bilateral ties”an official statement.
Myanmar Suu Kyi Leaves For First Abroad In 24 years
Myanmar Suu Kyi Leaves For First Abroad In 24 years
democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi visited Thailand on 29 May to attend a
world Economic Forum Meet ahead of her European tour.
Iranian Foreign Minister’s visit to India
Iranian Foreign Minister’s visit to India
Foreign Minister Ali Akbar salehi visits India on 31May on a two day
visit to formaly invite prime minister Manmohan Singh for the Non
Aligned Movement(NAM) summit to be held in tehran in august.
Googles New Translate Services Started
Google had started his instantly free online language translation
services which can translate more than 14 languages of text and web
pages, which is called conversation mode.
Paris is World’s Most Expencive City For A Club Sandwich
Paris is World’s Most Expencive City For A Club Sandwich
had turned out to be the world’s most expencive city for a club
sandwich according to a survey by Hotel Booking site. New Delhi has
emerged the cheapest in this survey of major tourist destinations and
business capitals. The site has been tracing the prices of this classic
chicken, bacon, egg, lettuce and as handy indicator of how expencive or
inexpencive a city is for travellers.
World’s Largest Hindu Temple to Be Built In Bihar
World’s Largest Hindu Temple to Be Built In Bihar
largest Hindu Temple to Be Built In Bihar’s East Chaparan district by a
religious body Mahavir Mandir Trust (MMT) said its secretary on 13 May
20121.The temple is built over 50 acres land donated by the Kathwalia
Math, The temple would not be the exact replice of the Angkor wat
temple, but few common features of the two religious structures. The
five storied temple will be 1,240 feet long, 1,150 feet wide 272 feet
tall and will house the idols of Radha and Krishna, shiva & parvati,
Ganesh , Surya, Vishnu and Dashavatar. The construction cost of the
temple would be about Rs. 300 crore.
Tallest Residential Building in Dubai
Tallest Residential Building in Dubai
tower in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is 413.4 metres high and has 101
storeys above ground dedicated to residential use”.Guinness said . This
has set a new record with Princess Tower,which the Guinness World Record
The Richest Woman in World
The Richest Woman in World
reichest person Gina Rinehart has eclipsed Wal-Mart Heiress Christy
Walton oz tycoon to become the World’s Wealthiest woman,according to an
annual index by Business review Weekly,personal fortune at $28.48
Ratan Tata Rmains India Inc’s Most Powerful CEO
Ratan Tata Rmains India Inc’s Most Powerful CEO
sons chariman Ratan Tata heads the ET-Corporate Dossier ranking of
India Inc’s most powerfull CEO’s for the fourthyear running. While
Mukesh Ambani has Managed to retain his position at the second place,his
brother Anil has fallen six positions at no.11 ,Sunil Mittal i sin 16th
Record Carbon dioxide Emission in 2011 India stood Fourth
Record Carbon dioxide Emission in 2011 India stood Fourth
spurred a jump in global carbondioxide emissions to their highest
recorded level in 2011,offsetting falls in the united states and europe
.THe International Energy Agency(IEA) said on 25th may India moved a
head on Russia to become the fourth largest co2 emitter,behind china
,the u.s and E.U.
Old puzzle of Newton Solved by Shaurya Roy an Indian Student
Old puzzle of Newton Solved by Shaurya Roy an Indian Student
16 year shaurya roy has saolved the Newton’s 350 year unsolved puzzle
which had baffled the world of Mathematicians for more than 350 years.
he has been hailed a genius after working out the problems set by Sir
Issac Newton. The scholl boy,from Drebsden,Germany,solved two
fundamental particle dynamics theories.which physicians have previously
been able to calculate only by using computer.
Postal Stamp on Khawaja Moinuddin Chisti Released
Postal Stamp on Khawaja Moinuddin Chisti Released
Minister of Communication and IT Kapil Sibal on 27 May released a
postal stamp to mark the 800th urs of Sufi saint Khawaja Moinuddin
Chistu at Ajmer.The stamp was released in the ceremony hall “Mehfil
Khana” of the Dargarh Premises in the presence if a large number of
Indian-American Snigha Nandipati Becomes word Spelling Bee Champ
Indian-American Snigha Nandipati Becomes word Spelling Bee Champ
Nandipati, a 14-year-old Indo-American girl spelled the French for
ambush,”guetapens”,right to be crowned the 2012 Scripps National
Spelling Bee Champion.
London’s Tallest Tower
Tallest tower of 114.5 metre stands in the Olympic park in East
London, Between the aquatic centre and the main Olympic stadium. The
tower was designed by Mumbai born artist Anish Kapoor. The Mayor of
London , Boris Johnson unveiled on 10 May 2012. The twisting tower was
described by Kapoor as the Tower of Babel.
The Italian Town Devasted By An Earth Quake
The Italian Town Devasted By An Earth Quake
Romanga strucks 5.8 earthquake at on 20 May,killing seven people
and forcing 7,000 into temporary shelters.Then disaster struct once
again on 29 May at 5.8 Magnitude earthquake shook the region at just
after 16 died,1400 people are homeless and 5 are missing in it.
Competition Commission Of India, Constituted Eminet Persons Advisory Group
competition commission of India (CCI) formed an Eminet Persons Advisory
Group (EPAG) on 7 May 2012. The group is constituted to provide CCI
inputs and advise on issues impacting markets and competition, among
others. The group comprise Infosys founder N.R.Nayanan Murthy former
comptroller and Auditor General V.N Kawl, Former Deputy Governor of
Reserve Bank of India Rakesh Mohan, Biocon Chairman and M.S Kran
Mazumdar- shaw, former Directorof IIM-Amedhabad Bakul Dholaka,
formerchairman of CEFC S.L.Ro, former vice chancellor of NLSIU-
Bangalore N.L Mitra . Thee group will hold its maiden meeting on July
2012 The group will have interaction/ meeting with the commission two to
three times a year.
Seven Members Committe To Look After Deplorable Conditions Of Widows
Seven Members Committe To Look After Deplorable Conditions Of Widows
Supreme Court on 9 May 2012 set up a seven member committee to look
into the deplorable conditions of widows destitutes living in Vrindavan
and set an eight week dead line to complete the report. The committe
headed by the chairman of the Mathura District Legal Services Authority
and will prepare a list of the widows with their names , age and
reasons for being in Vrindavan in Uttarpradesh.
Committee Formed By Delhi Government To Promote Welfare Of DTC Workers
Committee Formed By Delhi Government To Promote Welfare Of DTC Workers
committee was formed by Delhi Government on 18 May 2012 under the
chairman ship of principal secretary of the Finance Department to
promote the welfare of Delhi Transport Corp(DTC) workers. The objective
of forming the committee is to ensure participation of DTC workers in
Delhi Transport Cooporation management . The decision toform the
committe was announced by Delhi Chief minister in a meeting.
Yadav’s Biography
Singh Yadav – ‘ Harbinger of Social Justice’ book was written by eminet
author Sarah Booth which was released on 28 May 2012 in United Kingdom.
canada by Richard ford
canada by Richard ford
Robert ford -’Canada’ book was written by Robert ford which was released on 22 may 2012.
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