23 August 2012 Current Affairs
Pilot less Aircraft “Lakhshya-I” test flown successfully

developed Micro light pilot less target aircraft ” Lakshya-I’ was
successfully test flown from the launch complex-2 of the Integrated Test
Range (ITR) at Chandipur, Orissa on 23 August 2012. Lakshya-1, a
sub-sonic, re-usable aerial target system, is remote controlled from the
ground and designed to impart training to both air borne and air
defence pilots. It is launched by a solid propellant rocket motor, and
sustained by a turbojet engine in flight.
Himachal Hotel Gets Heritage Status
Castel Magar, Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation’s prime
hotel in the picturesque, Kullu Valley was notified under the heritage
status by the Union tourism ministry on 23 August 2012. Maggar was the
capital of the erst while kullu state for about 1460 years. The Castle
was built by Raja Sidhi Singh in the 16th century.
Sonia Gandhi Ranked Most Powerful Woman in the World

Gandhi, the congress party president and chair woman of the coalition
government running the country, is India’s most powerful woman and the
sixth most powerful woman in the world, according to the Forbes
Magazine. The 9
th year edition of Forbes magazine listed the
100 women. “Who impact the world”, Mrs.Gandhi, 65, made it to the list
for the fourth time. She was also named the 11
th powerful
person in the world. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany once again
ranked first followed by Hillary Clinton. The US secretary of State
President Dilma Rouseff of Brazil next in the list is Melinda Gates of
the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation was fourth. Indra Nooyi, the
chairman and Chief Executive of Pepsico.
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