Thursday, 19 July 2012

SSC Combined Graduate Level 1 Exam:2011

 SSC Combined Graduate Level ( Pre ) Exam:2011    
1. As announced by the Finance Minister in his Budget speech on 28th February 2011, with a view to assist states in modern stamp and registration administration, E – stamping is expected to be rolled in the districts of different States in
1. One Year
2. two years
3. three years
4. five years
Ans – 3
2. In the budget for 2011 – 12, the figure ( % of GDP ) for 2011 – 12 has been pegged at
1. 5.1
2. 5.0
3. 4.6
4. 3.4
Ans – 3
3. As per Railway Budget for 2011 – 12, the senior citizen concession for men has been increased from
1. 25% to 30%
2. 30% to 40%
3. 40% to 50%
4. 30% to 50%
Ans – 2
4. The monster earth quake – cum – tsunami which hit Japan on March 11, 2011 has moved the country’ s main island, Honshu, by about
1. two feet
2. three feet
3. five feet
4. eight feet
Ans – 4
5. Which troubled model was recalled recently by the Indian automobile giant Maruti Suzuki, for replacement of faulty fuel pump gasket ?
1. Maruti 800
2. Maruti A – Star
3. WagnoR
4. Baleno
Ans – 2
6. As a part of Human Resource Development Ministry’s ‘ brain gain ‘ policy to attract global talent, 14 world class universities are proposed to be set up in various states.  Name the state from the following where no university of the aforesaid type is proposed to be located ?
1. Punjab
2. Bihar
3. Rajasthan
4. Uttarakhand
Ans – 4
7. 2018 FIFA World Cup would be held in
1. Russia
2. Qatar
3. France
4. Netherlands
Ans – 1
8. Who among the following was not the recipient of Nobel Prize in Economics 2010 ?
1. Peter A. Diamond
2. Christopher A. Pissarides
3. Lui Xiaobo
4. Dale Mortensen
Ans – 3


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