Thursday, 19 July 2012

17 July 2012 Current Affairs

U.S Approves Anti – HIV Drug
The U. S Food and Drug administration(FDA) gave its first ever nod for an anti- HIV drug, Truvada, to pharmaceutical firm Gilead Sciences, Truvada is known chemically as fixed dose, daily intake combination of emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fume rate.

Czech Drug Developer Dead
Czech scientist Antonin Holy, who played an important role in creating drugs to treat HIV and AIDS , died at the age of 75, the CZECH Academy of sciences said. Mr. Holy died on 16 July 2012 the day U.S Health regulators for the first time approved using truvada, a drug that he helped develop, to prevent infection in people who face a high risk of contracting the virus that causes AIDS. Mr.Holy also helped develop the drug ” vestide”, used for the treatment of retinitis in AIDS patients, and “Heprera ” to treat hepatitis B.

India Set TO launch Astrosat Next Year
Astrosat along Journey for a national space observatory. Next year, India is to launch “Astrosat”, the country’s first satellite dedicated to astronomy, which will gaze out at the Universe in x-ray, U.V and visible light bands. The data its instruments supply help scientists to have better under standing of the ways of the cosmos. TIFR, Mumbai will be responsible for developing three of Astrosat’s five instruments .

Hillary Clinton’s 13 day Visit to  Asia
Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, visited Israel on 16 July as the last halt of her 13 -day long visit of eight Asian countries including Afghanistan, Japan,Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos , Cambodia, Egypt and Israel.


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